4th April 2013
Clans to Clash over World Record -
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Gallaghers ready for the challenge
Kerry clan to attempt to wrench the Gallagher Clan’s world record. “Bring it on” says the holders.
Event 1: The Challengers: The O’Sullivan Gathering, Sneem, Co. Kerry, 10th – 16th June 2013.
Event 2: The Holders: 2nd Gallagher Global Gathering, Gortahork, Co. Donegal, 6-15 Sept. 2013.
The O’Sullivan’s of Sneem, Co. Kerry, Ireland are to make an attempt in June on the Guinness World Record for the most people of the one last name/surname in the one place at the one time. The present record is held by the Gallagher Clan who gained the record in 2007 when 1488 were logged as being together in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. It had previously been held by the Joneses of Wales. The Gallagher Clan are also holding a gathering this year - the 2nd Gallagher Global Gathering, in Co. Donegal in September.
It would seem a relatively easy task for the O’Sullivans, who, according to their organisers have some 40,000 of the name in the Cork and Kerry area alone. This would be well over twice the population of Gallaghers in Ireland as a whole. However it is not always easy to get people to be involved and numbers on the ground locally do not equate to numbers on the day of the count. In 2007 the Gallagher numbers were swelled by visitors from as far away as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, South Africa and the UK. It was speculated at the time and since, that a couple of famous Manchester lads, of Oasis fame, were among those taking part! The organisers have refused to comment on that matter.
“We welcome the O’Sullivan’s attempt on ‘our’ record”, said a member of the Gallagher Clan. “Imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all! But just as Donegal’s football team have recently shown Kerry a few lessons on the field of play, the O’Sullivans may find that we Gallaghers are hard to beat. The Guinness World Record was achieved in 2007 as part of the 1st Gallagher Global Gathering. We are holding our 2nd Gallagher Global Gathering from the 6th – 15th September 2013 and are once again welcoming all Gallaghers and those with Gallagher family connections back to the original Gallagher homeland, Co. Donegal. It will be a great opportunity for visitor and local alike to mingle and have fun among "their own". All information can be had on our website www.gallagherclan.org .
While we have no plans at the moment to try and break our own record, that may change if the O’Sullivan’s prove successful. In that case I think the situation may have to be revisited. It could be that even IF the O’Sullivans achieve a new record, theirs could be a short-lived reign, given that we are holding our Gallagher Global Gathering in September once again. While in Ireland we may be at a disadvantage as regards numbers to the O’Sullivan’s, we have hundreds of thousands worldwide we can call on. I have no doubt but that many from abroad would answer the call as happened in 2007”.
Both clans can count themselves as being part of the great ancient Gaelic Irish family. In a spirit of fellowship the Gallaghers have assisted the O’Sullivans by offering them their experience from their own successful 2007 attempt. “The O’Sullivan Beare sheltered remnants of the Ulster army after the Battle of Kinsale in 1601. Perhaps this can be seen as a small token of thanks from us Gallaghers to his clan for his efforts.
We were at a disadvantage in 2007 by having no path to follow. We were unsuccessful in making contact with the previous holders, the Joneses and so we had to develop our own plans etc.. As a voluntary group that was hard and expensive on many levels. We’re only too willing to help another group in a similar situation….though we may keep a few cards up our sleeves…just in case!!” said our Gallagher contact. "Bring it on!!"