His Excellency Loyola Hearn, Canadian Ambassador to Ireland (left) with Mayor of Donegal, Cllr. Noel McBride and Adrian Gallagher atfter the presentation.
Gallagher Clan Make Presentation to the Canadian Ambassador to Ireland
On the 26th January 2012, in Downings, Co. Donegal the Gallagher Clan made a presentation to His Excellency Loyola Hearn, Canadian Ambassador to Ireland, on the occasion of his visit to Co. Donegal, the Gallagher homeland. This was to recognise the long connection between Canada and the Gallaghers. A representative of the Gallagher Clan, Adrian Gallagher, made the presentation to His Excellency on the Clan's behalf.
In his address to the ambassador Adrian said, “County Donegal has had connections with Canada for a long time with many from this county making their home there. As the largest family-name grouping in the county we thought it fitting that this long association should be commemorated by us on your visit to County Donegal, especially as so many of the name did indeed settle and prosper there.
The records show a Gallagher from Letterkenny trading out of New Brunswick to Donegal and Liverpool in the early nineteenth century. His main Canadian exports seem to have been furs and timber. A number of Gallaghers took up the plots doled out to early settlers and since then Gallaghers have been involved across the whole spectrum of Canadian life. In many ways Ireland’s loss has been Canada’s gain. However it can still be a land of opportunity and only this week I was making use of some connections that I have made through the Clan Organisation to assist a young civil engineer make contacts in British Columbia.
Adrian Gallagher making the presentation to the Canadian Ambassador
Today we would like to mark the mutually beneficial aspects of our association.
We would also like to extend an invitation to all those in Canada with Gallagher family connections to return to Co. Donegal for the 2nd Gallagher Global Gathering in September 2013. Quite a number from all over Canada attended last time.
I would especially like on this occasion to remember Marianna O’Gallagher, a noted historian and writer on Irish immigration to Canada. She, who was from Quebec City, attended in 2007. She died last year just after she had the honour of being made grand marshal of the Quebec City St. Patrick’s Day parade. May she rest in peace.
Already we have had enquiries from all over the world about 2013, including Canada, from people who wish and are planning to attend. All will be welcome to their original family homeland.
While they may have left us, a welcome always awaits our emigrants and their descendants.
Beidh céad míle fáilte rompu i gcónaí i sean Dhún na nGall
(A hundred thousand welcomes will always await them in old Donegal)”.
Adrian Gallagher presented the ambassador with one of the specially commissioned Beleek Pottery plates bearing the Gallagher Clan crest.
The inscription on the box which contained the Gallagher Plate